A Tarot Spell: For Luck & Gold
In person only.
Thursday, November 16th
8 to 10:30
Electric Ladyland Bywater
3212 Dauphine Street
New Orleans, LA 70117
To register click here
Join us for a collective spell for LUCK & GOLD!This work will consist of Tarot card reading, journaling, a brief Tarot meditation, storytelling, and a general conversation on using casual magic.
Bring a journal and pen and an item to contribute to our altar for the evening (participants will take their item back home at the end). Some suggestions include: gold, silver, cinnamon, basil, carnelian, aventurine, quartz, copper, your lucky charm. Bring something you like and will want to be in contact with for the three days following this working.
There will be small gifts for all.
To register click this link:

Tarotland: A Traveler's Guide to the Landscape
Every archetype and every figure on a court card walk amongst one another in Tarotland. They walk among the rivers and the trees that we see depicted on the cards, they gaze into those clouds and sleep beneath those stars.
Come explore this magical and profound world with us! We will use the first half of the workshop to visualize Tarotland and navigate through it using group questions. We will navigate intuitively over the landscape opening the philosophical teachings we will receive for the evening as we go.
After break we will provide group readings to one another (for those who desire), with special attention to the landscape and our sense memories.
No knowledge of Tarot is required.
COST: Sliding $35 to $50
Click Here to register
In person only at Rosalie Botanicals in New Orleans
About the Facilitator: Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine in New Orleans and weekly on We The Hallowed. She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft and a podcaster. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Master of Fine Arts in Writing. Learn more: michellembree.com
TAROTLAND: A Traveler's Guide to the Landscape
Every archetype and every figure on a court card walk amongst one another in Tarotland. They walk among the rivers and trees that we see depicted on the cards, they gaze into those clouds and sleep beneath those stars.
Come explore this magical and profound world with us! We will use the first half of the workshop to visualize Tarotland and move through it using group questions. We will navigate intuitively over the landscape opening the philosophical teachings we will receive for the evening as we go.
After break we will provide group readings to one another (for those who desire), with special attention to the landscape and our sense memories.
No knowledge of Tarot is required.
March 16th 2023
6 to 9pm
Sliding Scale: $35 to $50
Facilitated by: Michelle Embree
Rosalie Botanicals
3201 Toulouse
New Orleans
TAROT DYNAMICS: Unlock The Next Level of Your Tarot Practice (6 wks)
Cost is sliding scale— $170-$210
To register click HERE
This course is designed for those somewhat familiar with Tarot and ready to add layers to their personal practice. You don’t need to be an adept reader but some background with Tarot will be helpful. Our focus will concentrate on Tarot Philosophy, the structure and logic of the Tarot world, and the alchemy of making medicine with narrative.
We will discuss the Major Arcana as broken down by ‘triads’ and use this opportunity to delve into astrology and numerology as we go along. Each participant will develop and share a personal narrative using the Tarot deck and receive guidance to successfully read for others. You will have all the support you need to succeed. This course will boost your state of mind and your general confidence.
Week 1 : We will discuss a possible history of the Tarot and go over some pertinent philosophies. We will spend our first three meetings in the company of the Major Arcana, discussing its astrological and numerological associations, plus learning to see it as a semi-chronological story with a framework that can be applied metaphorically and intuitively in your readings. Homework will be suggested during this first session that should take 45 minutes or an hour outside of class.
Week 2: We will begin sharing our homework (if desired!) and continue with our discussions from the first class. Philosophy, numerology, astrology, chronology, and introduce the concept of the ‘triads” which is a layer of connection within the major arcana that will serve the depth of your readings and Tarot musings.
Week 3: We will continue sharing our homework and finish our discussion of the Major Arcana. You will be given instructions for asking your birthday archetype to give you insight on the story of yourself (15 minutes outside of class to complete).
Week 4: We will share our insights from working with our Birthday archetypes and We open our discussion of the Minor Arcana with emphasis on the numerological groupings and finding real-world experiences to use as examples for creating an intuitive sense about this section of the deck.
Week 5: We will continue our discussion on the Minor Arcana and read for one another in an atmosphere of radical support and co-teaching.
Week 6: We will finish our discussion on the Minor Arcana and share our thoughts and questions on the experiences of reading for ourselves and others.
You will have complete support and every tool you need to succeed. Unconditional support is the key in this course and in the larger framework of community.
*This course CAN benefit beginners – it is just a drop in point to a non-linear artform. I will make sure that you are rolling along smoothly as we go.
** This course is offered both in person and by zoom.
*** we will make adjustments as needed to accommodate social distancing and/or changing protocols of modern-living.
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine in New Orleans and weekly on We The Hallowed. She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft and a podcaster. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing. Learn more @ www.michellembree.com.
LIMINAL LANDS: Writing Between Worlds
Liminality describes the space "in-between", it is where we stand after a ritual or cultural event has occurred but before we have been transformed by the experience. In our modern world the liminal describes more than a personal interior experience, we can expect to spend decades in ambiguous political states, we can expect children to grow into adults in the thresholds created by a shifting biosphere.
Writing from within these boundary zones means we have a special sight for the past, an urgency within the present, and a magical opportunity for visualizing the future from the imaginal realms of desire.
This series of workshops will serve those who are writing irregular memoirs, fragmented poetry, collage texts, flash fiction, hybrid manuscripts, and those seeking to develop characters and landscapes to incorporate into non-traditional long fiction.
These workshops are an experiment in creative expression and human connection.
Tuesdays November 9th, 16th, 23rd
7pm to 9pm Central Standard Time
Click here to REGISTER.
Wk 1: We will discuss liminality as it has been described in ritual practices and its contemporary focus on abandoned physical spaces. We will view some photographs of liminal places and discuss what it means as a general condition. We will write through prompts aimed to generate a palette of spaces, objects, characters, and concepts to use as the medium of our work. We will begin our dream experiment also.
Wk 2: We will share our dream experience and some of our work from the week and also any realizations we have about ourselves or the world. This session will focus on the liminal as a state of mind and we will write through prompts that blur the line between material experience and the experience of belief and prompts that conjure connective threads to bridge thresholds and assist us as we explore further.
Wk 3: We will share about our previous week of work and share our dream experiment. We will work with prompts that create a stream of consciousness for or within the threshold space. We will create and trade liminal objects among each other and spend some time on what type of story structure (or lack thereof) gives a boundary zone a sense of anxiety or sense of purposeful emptiness.
Tarot Dynamics: Unlock The Next Level (6 Week Course)
Tarot Dynamics: Unlock The Next Level
Six Week Course
Thursdays, October 14th-November 18th 7 to 9pm Central Standard Time Zone
Online Gathering
Sliding Scale: $160-$210
Click here to register:
Tarot Dynamics is for those who have some familiarity with Tarot, you don’t need to be an adept reader but a bit of background with the cards will be helpful. Our focus is on Tarot Philosophy, the structure and logic of the Tarot world, the alchemy of “Psychomagic,” and becoming “The Mirror”. Participants will gain an understanding of Tarot as a language of its own which will allow for a greater sense of the relational and evolving nature of dialogues among the cards. As practitioners, we are part of the conversation, part of the dialogue that transforms us. Join us for this inspiring and illuminating gathering of minds.
Week 1 : We delve into the concept of the “Triads” which is a layer of connection within the Major Arcana. We will cover the numerology and astrology that informs their meanings as we go along and the minor cards as they come up in our discussions.
Week 2 : At the end of the first meeting, you will be given instructions to create a personal narrative (it will take about an hour outside of class to complete) which we will share and discuss as a series of tools for reading ourselves and others during this session.
Week 3: We will continue our discussion of the ‘triads’ + numerology + astrology of the Major Arcana. You will be given instructions for asking your birthday archetype to give you insight on the story of yourself (30 minutes or so outside of class to complete).
Week 4: We will share messages from our birthday archetypes and enter our discussion of our embodiment on earth as it is represented by The Devil and how we can operate as “The Mirror” in our readings.
Week 5: Our discussion of the “Duets” or “Couples Dancing” within the Major Arcana. This will assist us in solidifying our understanding of the Triads and our capacity to operate as The Mirror.
Week 6: Complete our discussion on the Duets and address formulating questions and choosing spreads.
Write Your Hero's Journey With Tarot
Grab your Major Arcana cards, a cup of tea, and your notebook. It’s story time! In this three part series we will approach the Major Arcana as if it were a three-act play in which we landed the lead role as the hero. We will discuss the characteristics of the archetypes of the Major Arcana and wander the landscape of the Tarot World as we create a map of our own life story. The better we know ourselves the better grounded we are to the present moment which means we are better able to cope with stress, make decisions, and refrain from unnecessary conflict. Join us for three sessions of storytelling, Tarot cards, and good company. This series is terrific for beginners and those seeking to deepen their relationship with the Major Arcana.
Live Remote Workshop (Three Sessions)
January 20th, 27th, & February 3rd 2021
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Three Workshops-- Sliding Scale-- $90-$120
Make payment to: @Michelle-Embree (venmo)
@michelleembree1@gmail.com (paypal)
Tarot For Beginners: A Six Week Deep Dive
Tarot for Beginners: A Six Week Deep Dive
Thursdays, January 14th -- February 18th
6-8pm CST
Sliding Scale: $150 to $210
(Link to register through Rosalie Botanicals coming soon!)
This course covers all 78 cards in the Tarot. We will discuss storytelling, philosophy, journaling, and explore how the cards dialog with one another to create meaningful readings. This course will provide a solid foundation for your personal Tarot journey and offer you the confidence to practice co-healing with others.
January 14th & 21St
We will follow the Major Arcana as a narrative, as a continuous story of human life from the birth of innocence in The Fool to the release of the soul in The World. We will engage in deep discussion on the personalities depicted in each card and the philosophies they offer in conversation with other cards.
January 28th & February 4th
We will cover the court cards as elemental realms within which the characters of the court fulfill specific positions and roles. We will discuss the elemental realms as familial and social systems. These sessions will unlock an understanding of the court cards that brings them to life so they may be read deeply and effectively.
February 11th & 18th
We bring it all together through our discussions of the Minor Arcana as unique personalities in their fixed elements and explore the use of our imagination in making use of our natural intuitive senses. We will come to a full circle understanding of our 78 new friends.
(Link to register coming soon)
Cruising The Quanta: Exercises For Intuitives
Cruising The Quanta: Exercises For Intuitives
(please use the Rosalie Link at the bottom of this description to register!)
In this workshop, we will discuss the theory and practice of consulting intuitive matter and synchronistic occurrences as a basic part of our mind and body awareness. We will use individual contemplation and guided meditation to experiment with our capacity to follow the numinous, the quantum threads, that hold our stories and lives together. We will discuss the practical reasons for making a habit of intuitive mindfulness and how the interests and knowledge we already hold engages with our ‘drifting sense’, or intuition. This workshop is ideal for beginners in any form of divination or magical practice. You will NOT need a Tarot deck for this workshop. Bring a notebook.
Live Remote Workshop
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Dec. 10th
A Winter's Tarot Spell: Protection
A Winter’s Tarot Spell: Protection
(please be sure to use the direct link to Rosalie's Botanical below!)
In this workshop, we will create a group spell for protection using our Tarot deck, guided meditation, and our intentions. We will begin with a discussion on the nature and purposes of basic spellwork. Once we have established a solid group foundation we will consult our cards to assist us each in creating the best worded and most well-focused intentions for our personal ring of protection. After these preliminaries, we lay out the specific cards necessary for this spell as it was written by Janina Renee in her book Tarot Spells. Suggestions for how to set up a simple altar to support our spell following our class session will also be part of our discussion. This workshop is great for Tarot beginners and anyone interested in using Tarot for spellwork. You only need your cards, your notebook, and our time together to work this spell.
Live Remote Workshop
Thursday, December 3rd
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Write Your Hero's Journey With Tarot (Three Part Series)
Write Your Hero’s Journey With Tarot (Three Part Series)
Grab your Major Arcana cards, a cup of tea, and your notebook. It’s story time! In this three part series we will approach the Major Arcana as if it were a three-act play in which we landed the lead role as the hero. We will discuss the characteristics of the archetypes of the Major Arcana and wander the landscape of the Tarot World as we create a map of our own life story. The better we know ourselves the better grounded we are to the present moment which means we are better able to cope with stress, make decisions, and refrain from unnecessary conflict. Join us for three sessions of storytelling, Tarot cards, and good company. This series is terrific for beginners and those seeking to deepen their relationship with the Major Arcana.
Live Remote Workshop (Three Sessions)
January 20th, 27th, & February 3rd 2021
Three Workshops-- Sliding Scale-- $90-$120
To Register pay through pay pal or venmo with the note “Hero’s Journey”:
@Michelle-Embree (venmo)
@michelleembree1@gmail.com (paypal)
The Lucky Horseshoe Spread
Thursday, October 22nd, 2020
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
The Lucky Horseshoe Spread
Bring your Tarot deck and your notebook. We are going to clear some energetic space, shuffle our cards, lay out the Horseshoe spread, and work our way through it. This spread is from Benebell Wen’s Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach To Using Tarot for Personal Growth. The Horseshoe spread is appropriate for specific questions. Great class for dabblers and beginners.
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/the-lucky-horseshoe-spread?start=2020-10-01T00:00&select=2020-10-22T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Use Tarot To Build Resilience
Thursday, October 15th, 2020.
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
Use Tarot To Build Resilience
Bring your Tarot deck and your notebook. We are going to discuss Benebell Wen’s approach to using your Tarot cards to help build resilience. Our ability to be resilient through adversity and stress is a key element to managing crisis and recovering our confidence from past traumas and setbacks. Wen connects the Tarot to seven characteristics of resilient people and teaches us how to incorporate specific affirmations into our card readings. This workshop is primarily a discussion, we will do a short reading as we close. You will need a few minutes of prep time right before we begin. Great workshop for regular users of the Tarot.
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/use-tarot-to-build-resilience?start=2020-10-01T00:00&select=2020-10-15T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Shadow Work Two: Using What We Know
Thursday, October 8th, 2020
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
Shadow Work Two: Using What We Know
This workshop builds from the first section. Bring your worksheets and notes on the two star spreads we made in the first Shadow Workshop. Spend a little time with those spreads before we begin with this gathering. Bring your Tarot cards and your notebook. We will discuss and journal on defense mechanisms, attachment styles, and forms of projection. We will use our decks to lay out another star spread by Christine Ette that she calls the ‘Star of illumination’.
If you need the worksheets sent to your email again, let me know!
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/shadow-work-two-using-what-we-know?start=2020-10-01T00:00&select=2020-10-08T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
Thursday, October 1st, 2020.
6-8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
This is an intimate workshop that involves subjects of depth. We will lay out two Tarot spreads each created by Christine Ette that will guide us through unearthing our most difficult personal qualities and the experiences. We will share discussions on the nature of human flaws, deep wounds, and the effective use of Tarot to understand both within ourselves. This is a safe-space for our most vulnerable layers and an opportunity to shed and grow. Bring your Tarot deck and your notebook plus class worksheets. You will receive worksheets on the day of the workshop and you can either print the pages out or have them available on your phone. Great workshop for practitioners and dabblers alike.
(if you would like to get the worksheets sooner, email me and I will send them.)
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/shadow-work-dark-symbols-in-tarot?start=2020-10-01T00:00&select=2020-10-01T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
The Tree of Life: A Practical Spread & Introduction
Thursday, September 24th, 2020.
6 to 8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
The Tree of Life: A Practical Spread & Introduction
Bring your Tarot cards and your notebook. We will discuss the most basic ideas contained on what is sometimes called ‘the tree of life’. We will briefly discuss the appearance of this symbol across cultures and traditions and name the positions on the tree as they are known in Kabbalah. We will spend the majority of the workshop working through a very practical ‘Tree of Life’ spread by Rachel Mann, recommended by Mary K. Greer. Great workshop for those with some Tarot experience.
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/the-tree-of-life-a-practical-spread-introduction?start=2020-09-01T00:00&select=2020-09-24T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Tools For Divination: Making Maps For Our Future Selves
Thursday, September 17th, 2020.
6 to 8pm Central Time Zone
Live Remote Workshop
Tools For Divination: Making Maps For Our Future Selves
In this Tarot workshop we will follow the ‘six principles’ for divination as outlined by Nancy Antenucci and Melanie Howard in Psychic Tarot: Using Your Natural Abilities to Read The Cards. We will discuss these principles and create a highly tangible set of tools that allow us to easily approach divination in a modern world. We will lay out our own ‘Double Road Path Spread’ as a means to analyze our needs as unique practitioners and chart our future from our most realistic desires. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your most magical self. Great workshop for dabblers and beginners.
Questions? Contact me at michelleembree1@gmail.com
Register through Rosalie Botanicals website: https://rosaliebotanicals.com/products/tools-for-divination-making-maps-for-our-future-selves?start=2020-09-01T00:00&select=2020-09-17T18:00
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in www.antigravitymagazine.com. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Zodiac Tarot: Making Balance On Your Path
Wednesday, June 3rd (only one option)
Week of The New Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
Zodiac Tarot: Making Balance On Your Path
In this live, online-workshop, we will gather virtually to walk through the ZODIAC TAROT SPREAD by Benebell Wen together. The Zodiac spread is designed to facilitate us in grounding our bodies under the stars and assisting us in connecting our mental and emotional lives to that grounded body through the general houses of the Zodiac. This is not your personal chart, but a generalized tour of those houses as represented by the Tarot cards you personally draw for yourself. This is an ideal workshop for dabblers, beginners, and serious learners of all levels. Bring your Tarot deck, your insights, your notebook, and your tea!
This remote course is VERY LIMITED so be sure to reserve your space!
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/
If you have questions please email me: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Tools for Divination:
Tuesday, May 26th OR Wednesday, May 27th (two options)
Week of the Half Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
Tools For Divination: Making Maps For Our Future Selves
In this live, online-workshop we will follow the ‘six principles’ for divination as outlined by Nancy Antenucci and Melanie Howard in Psychic Tarot: Using Your Natural Abilities to Read The Cards. We will discuss these principles, brainstorm possibilities, exchange our ideas, and create a highly tangible set of tools that allow us to approach divination in a modern world. We lay out our own ‘Double Road Path Spread’ as a means to analyze our needs as unique practitioners and chart our future from our most realistic desires. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your most magical self.
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
If you have questions please email me: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Tools for Divination: Making Maps for Our Future Selves
Tuesday, May 26th OR Wednesday, May 27th (two options)
Week of the Half Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
Tools For Divination: Making Maps For Our Future Selves
In this live, online-workshop we will follow the ‘six principles’ for divination as outlined by Nancy Antenucci and Melanie Howard in Psychic Tarot: Using Your Natural Abilities to Read The Cards. We will discuss these principles, brainstorm possibilities, exchange our ideas, and create a highly tangible set of tools that allow us to approach divination in a modern world. We lay out our own ‘Double Road Path Spread’ as a means to analyze our needs as unique practitioners and chart our future from our most realistic desires. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your most magical self.
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
If you have questions please email me: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
A Chorus of Voices: Organizing Our Emotional Bodies
Tuesday, May 19th OR Wednesday, May 20th (two options)
Week of the New Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
A Chorus of Voices: Organizing Our Emotional Bodies
Let’s get together to discuss the living emotional bodies as they exist within each of us, the nature of traumatic memory, and the foundations of emotional development and healthy attachments. We will assign personal Tarot cards to our emotions so that we may learn more about what they have to tell us and how to honor and utilize each and every one of our very precious emotions. No emotion is an enemy when we are able to decipher its meaning, purpose, story, and ultimately its power to enhance who we are, how we live, and the relationships we form. Based on the teachings of Karla McLaren and adapted to use with a Tarot deck, this workshop is designed to create a meaningful language to communicate with the parts of our mind that only respond to symbols so we may understand our underlying emotional motivations and rescue confused fragments of self.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot!
If you have questions please email: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
A Chorus of Voices: Organizing Our Emotional Bodies
Tuesday, May 19th OR Wednesday, May 20th (two options)
Week of the New Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
A Chorus of Voices: Organizing Our Emotional Bodies
Let’s get together to discuss the living emotional bodies as they exist within each of us, the nature of traumatic memory, and the foundations of emotional development and healthy attachments. We will assign personal Tarot cards to our emotions so that we may learn more about what they have to tell us and how to honor and utilize each and every one of our very precious emotions. No emotion is an enemy when we are able to decipher its meaning, purpose, story, and ultimately its power to enhance who we are, how we live, and the relationships we form. Based on the teachings of Karla McLaren and adapted to use with a Tarot deck, this workshop is designed to create a meaningful language to communicate with the parts of our mind that only respond to symbols so we may understand our underlying emotional motivations and rescue confused fragments of self.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot!
If you have questions please email: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Fragment By Fragment: Assembling Memory, Dreams, And The Mundane
Fragment by Fragment: Assembling Memory, Dreams, And The Mundane
(This Writing Workshop Is Two Sessions)
May 16th-- 1-4pm Central Standard Time &
May 30th-- 1-4pm Central Standard Time
In this two-part writing workshop, we will generate writing from a series of prompts and a self styled ten-day ‘fragment maker’. This process is designed to conjure ‘objects’ from our nightly or waking dreams and from our memories of not only events but of feelings, desires, and beliefs. We will align these ‘unearthed fragments’ with known, mundane realities, and ‘future memories’. The goal of this workshop is to conjure a series of deeply creative and intuitive ‘fragments’ that may be used as finished pieces or linked into longer vignette-style stories for zines, chapbooks, or full-length manuscripts. We will share the writing we generate with prompts and also the work we create/polish between workshops. This is an intimate workshop wherein you will enjoy full support. Space is very limited.
To sign up, Email your request and any questions you may have to: michelleembree1@gmail.com
The Art of Gifting: Creating Satisfaction & Expressing Our Depth
Tuesday, May 12th OR Wednesday, May 13th (two options)
Week of the Half Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
The Art of Gifting: Creating Satisfaction & Expressing Our Depth
In this live, online workshop we will walk through a series of Tarot exercises to uncover the gifts we most need to give others we know personally, ourselves, and the larger human network. We will draw Tarot cards to utilize in some of the Tarot exercises created by Andy Matzner. Our goal is to reveal the content and depth of what we most need to give and receive. We are likely to uncover our playfulness and open the opportunity to release this side of ourselves from restraint, fear and shame. This workshop is full of ideas, ideals, and very practical tools to relate to our lives with a greater ability to share ourselves and laugh out loud. Participants will be asked to spend time writing and/or meditating. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your readiness to share your best and be reflected as such.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot!
If you have questions please email me: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
The Art of Gifting: Creating Satisfaction & Expressing Our Depth
Tuesday, May 12th OR Wednesday, May 13th (two options)
Week of the Half Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
The Art of Gifting: Creating Satisfaction & Expressing Our Depth
In this live, online workshop we will walk through a series of Tarot exercises to uncover the gifts we most need to give others we know personally, ourselves, and the larger human network. We will draw Tarot cards to utilize in some of the Tarot exercises created by Andy Matzner. Our goal is to reveal the content and depth of what we most need to give and receive. We are likely to uncover our playfulness and open the opportunity to release this side of ourselves from restraint, fear and shame. This workshop is full of ideas, ideals, and very practical tools to relate to our lives with a greater ability to share ourselves and laugh out loud. Participants will be asked to spend time writing and/or meditating. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your readiness to share your best and be reflected as such.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote workshop is VERY LIMITED so reserve your spot!
If you have questions please email me: michelleembree1@gmail.com
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Cyberpunk: Writing Futurescapes
Cyberpunk: Writing Futurescapes
In this writing workshop, we will generate descriptive writing aimed at making a place for your characters to play. Through a series of writing prompts and general discussion, we will create landscapes from the past, the present, the magical present, and/or the future. We will also engage with new characters, the building and/or destruction of machines, and poetic revelries of both objects and memories. This workshop is ideal for beginning writers and anyone interested in sci-fi or gameworld writing.
Remote Course
May 9th, 2020 1-3pm Central Standard Time
Space is very limited.
Email your request to michelleembree1@gmail.com
And I will give you the rest of the information.
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
Tuesday, May 5th OR Wednesday, May 6th (two options)
Week of The Full Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
Let’s get together to create two, six card, Tarot spreads created by Christine Ette that will guide us through unearthing our most difficult personal qualities and the experiences that may have made these a part of our personality and relationship style. These spreads and discussions are ideal for the full-moon. We will engage intimate discussions on the nature of human flaws, deep wounds, and the effective use of Tarot to understand both within ourselves. This is a safe space for our most vulnerable layers and the opportunity to grasp, shed, and grow. All will be protected and supported. The height of the full moon happens the night after this gathering, so you will have time to plan what you wish to shed and that which you wish to foment. No human life is perfect, but it is quite beautiful. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your deepest desires for freedom from the past.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote course is VERY LIMITED so reserve your space!
If you have questions please email: michelleembree1@gmail.com
~ ~
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
Tuesday, May 5th OR Wednesday, May 6th (two options)
Week of The Full Moon
6-8pm CST
Led By: Michelle Embree
Online in conjunction with Rosalie Botanicals
Shadow Work: Dark Symbols In Tarot
Let’s get together to create two, six card, Tarot spreads created by Christine Ette that will guide us through unearthing our most difficult personal qualities and the experiences that may have made these a part of our personality and relationship style. These spreads and discussions are ideal for the full-moon. We will engage intimate discussions on the nature of human flaws, deep wounds, and the effective use of Tarot to understand both within ourselves. This is a safe space for our most vulnerable layers and the opportunity to grasp, shed, and grow. All will be protected and supported. The height of the full moon happens the night after this gathering, so you will have time to plan what you wish to shed and that which you wish to foment. No human life is perfect, but it is quite beautiful. Bring your Tarot deck, your notebook, and your deepest desires for freedom from the past.
$30; please register online at https://rosaliebotanicals.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar
This remote course is VERY LIMITED so reserve your space!
If you have questions please email: michelleembree1@gmail.com
~ ~
Michelle Embree is a professional Tarot card reader and teacher. Her Tarot work is featured monthly in Antigravity Magazine (www.antigravitymagazine.com). She is a writer and a performer of spellcraft (www.crushkit.bandcamp.com). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Philosophy and a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Writing. To learn more go to www.michelleembree.com.
Wrong Side Up: Tarot Reversals
All courses and workshops are available by REMOTE. This workshop takes place at Indepence St. NOLA
Do you read reversals? Would you like to add it to your skills or deepen your understanding of the dynamics of reversals? The reversal is not an opposite, but a mood, a quality of character, and often something to be ignored or cast in a new light. Come out for an evening of discussion and nuance. Seriously, you must love nuance. Bring a notebook and your Tarot deck.
Cost: $25
To Register call: (912) 220-3802
Sessions That Shift: Taking Clients, Doing Work
All courses and workshops are available by REMOTE. This workshop takes place at Independence St. NOLA, 3700 St. Claude ave, 70117.
We may know our cards and charts and oils and chants, but do we know how to create space for ourselves and others to grow? We will talk about shifting energies and perspectives within those we work with and within ourselves. We will discuss acting as witness, solidarity healing, and the power of 'being'. We will also cover basic tools for de-escalating emotionally 'triggered' clients, checking our own motivations, and making a commitment to gaining continuous consent from our friends and clients.
This workshop applies to any modality within the healing arts.
Cost: $25
To Register call: (912) 220-3802